Emergency Preparedness

Consulting Services

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We evaluate your business’ preparedness in terms of employee safety, developing a response plan that determines whether protecting lives and securing the facility is best achieved through evacuation or temporary lockdown. We define the steps to be taken before, during and after an incident that threatens life, property, operations, or the environment.


Emergency Preparedness Questions

We work with our clients to understand where the confusion is arising from. We also provide them with an understanding of what constitutes a robust emergency response program. With this, together we can reconcile where program elements are missing or unclear.

Emergency response procedures are used by a wide variety of audiences. Consequently, they are most effective when they are clear, concise and current.

If you are at all concerned about the state of life safety related documentation, fill out the form below to start a conversation.

We have designed the tools to capture key data to reflect different working conditions at each site. There are no short cuts. We work with assigned client personnel at each location to identify unique risks, and information about buildings, fire safety, power, and staff. We also document how emergencies are handled and reported. Each site emergency response plan is informed by this data.

Absolutely! It’s a sad fact that all too often we find employees have been appointed to the team responsible for handling life safety protocols and yet they don’t want the job or don’t feel equipped for the role. This will not lead to a successful outcome.

We work with our clients to define the roles and responsibilities of emergency response team members, as well as the attributes of personnel that would be assigned to the team. We then document specific procedures and communication protocols. But that’s not enough. We also provide training and facilitate exercises to ensure team members have the necessary skills to best respond.


Emergency Preparedness Engagements

Below is a sampling of current and past emergency preparedness engagements. Use the menu to focus on a particular industry sector. Click on any specific engagement for more information.


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